Friday, June 6, 2014

The third eye

Take a step back. Look at yourself and the people around you as though you are watching a movie. From outside the screen. Everything becomes clearer then because your vision is not limited to your peripheral scope. It’s your life you’re looking at, but from outside. There is you, the main character; several other characters who interact with you, a plot, several sub plots, a climax and the closing. It’s still you, but it’s not exactly you. Your vision is now wider, more profound, because you see things not through your eyes, not through another characters’ eyes but through an entity that is unattached to any of it. A third person. 

And now you begin to see. Images, thoughts and ideas flow into you because your vision is not limited any more. Aspects to you that you did not see before. Perception beyond ordinary sight. The frequencies and velocities of the ripples in time are not only seen, but measured and understood. Watch for patterns around you. Find yourself, among the dust and the chaos. Open your mind to the endless possibilities that are around you, possibilities that you were too scared to see because you were stuck inside your body, the vessel that limits your awareness.  You will see how small your sorrows are and how much you have to be grateful for. The bad things that happened to you will seem small, and you will be grateful that they are smaller compared with worse situations. Break free from the binds that don’t let you see clearly. The distractions and the attachments. Walk with them if you can. But walk alone if you must.

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