The recent Big Match hype saw the effects of the vile broth
to the maximum. I'm not encouraging anyone to drink nor am I advising anyone
not to. In a situation when sports and testosterone levels collide, the first
thing I was warned was to stay away from
the drunkards!
Which I did. For the most part. Except for the few drunk
black and blue fellows I met in the bus who were yelling “ api paradunata kamak ne umbala peradune Pol Josa ta” when passing
bamba and one of whom had the nerve to poke me and ask if I was supporting such
and such a school simply because I was wearing a yellow T shirt to which I gave
“da faq is wrong witchyu boy” look making him promptly retreat apologetically. Suffice
to say, I managed to dodge the dangerous drunkards as a whole with no lasting
damage. *victory jig*
Most think they all
dat when the have a few glasses in them, don’t they? In previous match
scenarios I have been pounced upon by uncles who (probably have two kids my age
at home) after they had had a few. [ I was of course saved by my friend who at
that particular moment risked his own jaw being black and blue and diverted the
drunkards attention towards him and ran for it!]
I for one am pleased to affirm that I am blessed to be acquainted with men who drink and yet still
have their wits about them and men
who in principal don’t drink at all not for various reasons. Let me take a
moment to congratulate and admire them * I stand up for you, sirs * bravo!
*applaud* ^_^b
Its not just now and today. But then and forever. Women and
Wine have been the two things the ancient kings of time past have constantly
fought for, destroyed nations to get at, conquered land to exploit and used as
weapons against the natives in battle. My focus today is the latter.
History of alcohol consumption in Sri Lanka
In 1505, when our good friends
the ‘prutugeesi karayo’ dropped by they
came, they saw, they said “hey you Sinhalese low lives who live peacefully abiding
by the 5 precepts of Lord Buddha, meet our best friend- Wine” And best friends
we were since then. While the Dutch were going around pouring wine in our
systems, the British gave license to open taverns sealing the pact. There was
even Acts that promoted drinking, “Toddy Act of 1912”. (Much like the 50% off sale at leading
textiles stores that convert the non-shopaholic, TO a shopaholics.)
Coming back to modern times. ( and numbers and statics which I don’t like
to confuse you or myself with)
Sri Lanka has an extremely high
per-capita consumption for alcohol – 7.4 litres for recorded or licit alcohol. Research
by Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) shows that 60% of males consume
alcohol with an increasing number of women.
For those of you who just skipped
the statics (like I usually do) let me sum it up. We are a nation of boozers! Any sporting event, get together,
wedding, party will vouch for that.
On the brighter side, those who
learn Economics will agree when I say that alcohol and tobacco in our island
nation is one of the highest contributors to our GDP so economically speaking, consuming alcohol
and tobacco is “pocket ekata waasi” so to speak ( mentioning of the alcohol and
tobacco inflicted injuries and health issues leading up to high medical bills
of a state financed health services and mental stress of beaten up house wives
and the mothers of the youth who are equally torn and battered kept aside…)
The question of why ?
It doesn’t even taste good
True enough. Hard liquor tastes like boomi thel. Not that I’ve
ever tasted boomi thel but it sure the heck smells like it. I can relate to
going crazy over ice cream or chocolate, but boomi thel? come on..
Love and booze don’t come cheap
Heck yes. Nowadays for anyone to get their grubby hands on a
bottle of whichever it is, booze costs an arm, leg and a kidney. Is it worth
it? ( I see some of you nodding away with sly smiles thinking “yes it is”)
Expectation vs

Honestly, ( I dare you to disagree) the main reason for the
locals and foreign dwellers alike to choose alcohol are to be able to be happy
and have fun with friends and relax. Is alcohol a magical potion that makes you
have more fun? The science behind it begs to differ. Fact is alcohol, tobacco
or nay other drug, are all depressants. Fraid so, mate. That stuff we think make us
cool does the opposite.
In reality, there is actually no medical proof that alcohol
alone can create all the emotions and behaviors that people feel when they are
It is actually the expectations of feeling exhilarated,
limitless, sad, relaxed or more social that will decide if the feeling of
intoxication occurs.
That means that feeling high is first and foremost a social
construction and dependent on the circumstances. Simply, ask one of those
‘aathal’ seekers to drink alone. * gives the ‘told ya’ look*
“You think therefore
you are”
It is as good as ever a motivational quote in most occasions
but when it comes to alcohol, “Changed expectations give changed experiences”.
That means that the people (in conducted blind test) who think they are
drinking alcohol-free drinks are having a boring time even though there is
alcohol in the drinks they are served. Those who believe they are drinking
alcohol experience a drunk feeling despite the fact that they have been
drinking alcohol-free drinks.
People do not become drunk on alcohol – they become drunk on the
Which is kinda awkward and lame to tell you the least.
True enough effects of alcohol does create a sense of
numbness apart from the general tripping and dropping things that most expect
but the vomiting and slurred speech aren’t quite that appealing.
The center of attention
How many times have you walked
away from a gathering or a party simply because they did not serve booze? For
many people alcohol plays an important role in social life irrespective the
fact that they consume or not. Alcohol has become the life of a celebration and
this is the norm passed to the younger generation.
Hosts make it a priority to
have alcohol in the agenda whether it be a wedding, funeral, party or general
gathering. Sometimes not only because they want to but because they are being
pressurized to stick to the common misconception that “alcohol is fun”. Thanks
to this delusion, people tend to falsely believe alcohol should be the center
of attention of a celebration not the real cause that calls for a celebration.
Blame it on the booze
Even with the uncles scenario mentioned above and the mild
blue and black incident, I'm wondering if they would have had the courage to
that without the broth in them? I doubt it entirely.
I even came across an incident when a drunk girl had in her
state of lost senses, ventured out to first base with a mate of mine who she
hardly knew. just fyi. So its not only men who go a little around the cuckoo.
Research shows that a big part
of the experience of alcohol intoxication is not due to the drug itself
but because of our expectations together
with the presence of our friends and the general atmosphere.
Alcohol is given a strong
symbolic value. Many fondle with the idea of alcohol making them a little
braver, crazier, relaxed or more honest. Alcohol is used as an excuse for
actions that are not acceptable under other circumstances; dancing, provocative
behavior, weird talk and many other forms of behavior usually not done in good
sense. All of a sudden there is an excuse to fail or succeed. You can get away
with almost anything as long as there are people around to say “Well, s/he was
so drunk”.
(not so for the women folk
however. As per Sri Lanka law a woman who has consumed alcohol or in possession
of alcohol can be raped or molested
without the culprit (who may or may not be a drunk) going to jail for his
crimes. Because apparently a woman who is with drunk deserves what she gets. *
shows the finger at the authority*
And since we are in the topic
of women and wine, let me just fyi say that the new laws in this country now
prohibit a female unaccompanied by a male from buying alcohol at a liquor
store. Whereas it should be the other way around. Is it the women who buys
liquor, who beat their husbands and children to a pulp yelling god knows filth after
they are strut into the house at 2 am in the morning? doubt that.
Something wong in this set up. Something
very wrong.
Aaand in conclusion…….
Once again, just to make things
clear. I'm not encouraging anyone to drink nor am I advising anyone not to. As
a woman I'm simply asking men who drink to know
your limits. Do go ahead and enjoy a drink or two with your friends and
family. But do not use it as a weapon against the fairer gender in the false
notion that you will be forgiven later, or it will make you cool or macho or
whatever it is. Try not to make a nuisance of yourself to others around you who
have nothing to do with you or the fact that you’re drunk. If you’re drunk
fine, just lie low in a corner until you are sober without barging around
hammering your wife and kids AND other women and children in the vicinity. That
way, you don’t spoil their fun and you wont have to regret it later. Do keep
your hands and words to yourself too.
And for
the women who drink, all I have to say is, please be cautious. Do not go to
speak to them, point things out to them or even look in their general
directions. Like me, avoid all possible
confrontation with the vile mutts. But sigh… sometimes, even that isn’t sufficient.
Data and stats from ADIC
Data and stats from ADIC
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