Saturday, November 3, 2012

That awkward moment when….\

We all have those moments when we begin with “that awkward moment when” and go on , and on and on. Most people have say, one awkward moment a week. Or even a month. Or even on very rare cases once a year.

Thankfully, I'm not most people. When everyone else is blessed with only one awkward moment per semester,  my life had to be, essentially, a string of awkward moments. i.e. blooming one after another

Let us sample one day in my life, for example, today. A glorious Tuesday. I go to the loo wanting to tidy up myself when I suddenly hear my boss talking to someone else outside the door.

 “oh crap. Must I bump him to him first thing in the morning?” I ask  myself. I mean, what’s worse than bumping into your boss head first when you’re come out of the loo right?  Well, I’ll tell you what’s worse. Listening to your boss go to the next stall and unbuckle his belt, preparing to unburden himself, is what’s worse. I quickly fastened my belongings and zoomed out trying very hard not to summarize what I might have heard during the next few miniutes had I stayed on.

Picture my boss. 6’2. Prominent beard. Well-built, tad on the wider side. Very smart. A real charmer. Talks up a storm in brilliant English. Gets the job done type. Makes ladies weak in the legs. Well, ladies his age.

I'm seated in front of him going through our weekly issues and quarries on the web site I'm in charge of. Clearly the web developers have not reached to the point of pleasing us with their results because I just hear a big “What bloody cock is this?” He’s probably highly displeased in the outcome of their work but I just can’t stop laughing. So I do a little cough laugh to try and hide it. (Since then, I too have made it customary to say "what bloody cock is this?" whenever something happens both to to convey shock and to amuse myself and others at the same time. Chalk up another for 'leading by example' eh?)

That alone does not sum my awkward moments in proportion to my non awkward moments. Again in one of our other development sessions when I'm seated infront of him while he glances through my article, my stomach decides to give a standing ovation. Literally. I hear millions of little beings inside my bundy go “whooohoooo”  mental facepalm.

Like how awkward would that have been. He must have been thinking I was letting out bad air. Or so pointed out my colleagues who provided little to no comfort when I rushed out after our encounter and reenacted what happened. They were rolling on their chairs laughing. He was of course a complete gentlemen and pretended not to have heard.

Last but not least. The facebook mishap. There we, my boss, his batch mate and myself were seated around the laptop going through the usual “cant these developers get anything right? Why is this a weird shade of blue” etc etc when in comes a load of sandwiches and roles. While munching on them he suddenly goes “kohenda bung meh sandwhiches gaththe? Rubber adinawa wage ne” to his colleague.

Small chuckle by yours truly. Its nice to see your boss loosen up once in a while.. Then comes the awkward part.

As he scrolls down the facebook news feed and goes past pictures like these…I suddenly realize he’s not scrolling the office fb page but my own. He too was staring at this picture for a while when I actually did a live “facepalm” and slowly muttered something that ought to have sounded like “uh that’s not the correct page sir” but ended up sounding like a small gargle by which time he goes, “oh sorry” and quickly opens another tab.

Ho hum.

Of course that does not conclude the time I knocked over an entire assortment of desserts at a press conference in a 5 star hotel. *shrug* oh well.

The number of awkward moments that iv had the fortune to face...but pour moi, c'est la vie..Life would just be waaay too boring if not for these cherished moments..

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