Monday, September 10, 2012


In my recent endeavors at my new work place, I get to meet an assortment of people. Young and old.  Both wise and relatively unwise. People who have an admirable amount of integrity and modesty. People who have achieved a lot in life and are willing to hand it over to the next generation. People who seem to have achieved a lot in life only to flaunt it on everybody else’s faces.

Last week, I was having a chat with a person, more to the younger side of the above mentioned spectrum. I’ve met him a couple of times before and he seemed like a nice enough chap, polite and all gentlemanly. We chatted about various things ranging from what we had done for our ALs to what our phone models when he suddenly asked me “you’re from xyz** right?” (referring to my school)  to which I promptly replied “yes”

Simple enough question. Simple enough answer. It was not the question that put me off. It was the way he asked it. I couldn’t help but feel that there was a hint of dominance in his tone. I was all “excuse me! Mister. but what, may I inquire was that tone supposed to mean?” in my head but didn’t want to bring it out at that particular time.

In my mind’s eye, I had given him a few well- deserving ‘tokkas’ in the hope that it may punch a hole in that think scull of his but outwards, I was only modest smiles.

After our conversations had finished I was wondering what that tone of his, had meant. Was it because he thinks highly of  his educational institute? Or was it because he thinks himself of a higher level of species because he was fortunate enough to get into a good public school which somehow, morally makes him think he is better than those who went to, say for example, my school?

Is it fair to pass judgment based on where one has received their education?  

Each and every one of us are proud of our school. May it be the school under the Mango tree housing 13 students or the school that houses upto 10,000 students with more real estate and resources than they know what to do with.

Each and every one of us have met hundreds friends and foes, shared enormous amounts of fun time and contributed in any and all ways possibly to make the school, the place we love the most, our second home.

Each and every one of us owe it to our school for helping us to be who we are today.

That being said, each and every school has the “rotten eggs” in it. The “outsiders”. The bunch of sore losers who don’t give a crap about what happens to it as long as they have a gala time ruining it’s name. The bunch who doesn’t have what it takes to display the true meaning of being a student under the wings of the alma mater. The bunch who we all wish we had the opportunity of dragging them out by their ears. The bunch who we are all stuck with, whether we like it or not.

Anyone who disagree with me when I say that EVERY school has at least a handful of these buggers in every batch, might as well give themselves a nice, hard tokka, not for anything else, but for lying to themselves.

Judging by what I had seen and heard, my good friend, mentioned above has witnessed one such “rotten” incident that happened, literally, right infront of him, so I don’t assume he will beg to differ too.

I personally do not think it wise, appealing or morally right to demean an individual or a group of individuals based upon what the above mentioned sore losers have bought upon the school. Particular distaste towards the losers who are responsible for the mess in the first place is acceptable without degrading the entire species.

Same concept goes with nations and nationalities, but that’s a whole different blog all together….. 

** for the duration of this blog, I  have decided to not mention any names as per certain journalistic standards of sensitivity. Those who know me and actually give a crap about what I have to say, know both schools and people involved here. Those who don’t know me, and only read this in order to spur gossip and unwanted hype, NOT at the point I wanted to make, but at the ‘connection’ of these two schools  and how you can use this blog to arouse unnecessary tension, can see if I give sh*t.

Paws out!

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