Monday, May 12, 2014

Bubbles and beyond

Humans are social animals. I see people do all sorts of things together. Sometimes terrible things. Killing, fighting, abducting. The list goes on. And then again, I see people do wonderful things. I see people work together to achieve amazing things. Inspiring. Things that makes a difference. A significant change. Unselfish people who go beyond their little bubble of work-home-sleep cycles and do things to change someone else’s lives. Like superheroes in comic books. Soldiers of sorts. But closer to reality. They don’t have mediocre super power or capes. Who don’t look away when they see something happen, that they believe should not happen. These people aren’t perfect, oh no they’re not. They don’t get excellent grades sometimes, or hold high positions, or do the correct thing at the correct time, or even have a beautiful face. They have a beautiful heart. Full of flaws yes, but a heart that sees beyond the superfluous material pleasures in life like money or pride or beauty and go beyond all that to reach internal peace. With themselves and with other souls of the universe. 

Humans. The very beings from which the word ‘humane’ is derived from. Humane. It’s a beautiful word, soft to the touch and worth everything that you have ever stood up for. What is worth it to be humane, is unset and unwritten. It can only be felt with one’s heart. When it fills you up inside, you do not forget who you are. And what you stand for.

Animals. Do not think. They do not feel. They do not love. They do not feel happiness, or sadness or pleasure or pain. Wrong. They do. Everything above and so much more. Animals do feel. They are like you and I, with woes and wonders of their own. Loves and fights like we do. Have adapted to survive. Learn to hunt for food. Look after their young ones. Give birth. Make love. Fight over territory. Everything. Just like we do. Maybe not on the same level, you say. But why should they be any different than us? We’re all God’s children. Creations of our maker. Do we all deserve to not suffer?  Do we deserve to have our freedom wrenched away from us because we are defenseless?

We disagree. We do not take part in this. And we will not stand by and watch while it happens. True we cannot stop it all. True we are not perfect ourselves. We eat chicken, meat, pork, and ham. We do not eat chicken, meat, pork and ham. Our world isn’t perfect. There is racial violence, human trafficking, children starving in Africa or being sold off as child brides in India.  But we shout and fight against animal rights because we care. And because we are not enveloped by our own little bubble of ego centric narcissism.

Some of you neither care about some poor tortured ducks being made into Foie Gras or want to  give two shits about anything else apart from the little self enveloped bubble you call your life. You run a 9 to 5 job on weekdays, spend on gaming/boozing/ women/ on weekends. That’s a personal spaced bubble. Or you have a loving wife and children and you do not have time to go beyond that. That’s an extended bubble, exclusive for family and friends and you don’t lift a finger to help another soul in pain. You listen only to yourself and hear only yourself. What do you do for others that is unconditional and non-commercialized? to beings that are not your immediate kin? And you do because you do not want any of it in return, but you do out of compassion? Nothing.

What does that tell you about being humane? Nothing. Not one single thing. Do not blame me for my honesty, but when I look at you I do not see a human, I see an empty shell, stuffed with blood and bones, and temporal nonsense.


  1. Mind blown!!! :)
    how i wish more people would think like this !!!

  2. The campaign behind this is

    Animal rights activists cite cruelty to ducks and geese and demand removal of Mother’s Day special from hotel’s promotion
