Wednesday, March 5, 2014

All souls

The universe is a strange place. With its own strange way of doing things. There are no rules or regulations. No boundaries or limitations. No beginning and no end.  Neither here nor there. Just a vast space of souls and events..where souls learn from each event, from each other so much…IF they're tuned in to listening to it properly. There are some who are too busy with their own thoughts and opinions and are far too occupied with their own happiness or sadness or worries or dreams that they just do not have the willingness or the ability to tune in to these encounters with other souls. These souls are only focused on themselves in their own little bubble of being, and are naturally tuned out of it simply because their sole concern is themselves  only. They focus on receiving and not giving. They miss these souls and encounters by a matter of few seconds. Perhaps because they inadvertently want to avoid them. They think it is unnecessary and tiring to listen to or tune into. But then there are the others. Souls who are tuned to each other and when the moment arrives, are entwined in each other in mutual understanding and mutual respect, beyond reason and beyond doubt.

These souls can take many forms, faces, origins and physical limitations. To ease confusion, these faces appearing in each form, are given many names; some are called family, friends, lovers, enemies or strangers. However, there are instances where these encounters don’t last forever, or years, or months, or even more than a few seconds. Sometimes, it only takes a mili-second. How long does it take a soul to nourish and carry the physical shell of a new soul, to provide it with safety and care, to self endure the physical and mental battle that rages on inside her until and during the time it takes for her to push it out of her own psychical shell spilling tears and sweat and blood and innards everywhere? How long does it take a mother soul to realize that she is all alone in this physical world, alone because that other soul, the one that promised her everything, the entire universe itself, is making those same promises to some other soul? How long for her to realize how helpless she is, enough to strangle her own baby and dump the empty shell in the sewers? A millennium? A matter of few seconds? How long does it take for you to take you own life?  To realize that it is no longer worthwhile to continue? A matter of a few months? Weeks? The few gut wrenching hours that it takes for you to knot your own noose? Or the few seconds that it takes for you to pull the trigger?

How long does it take two souls to trust in each other? to know their truths and secrets. To build up to an extent that their bodies are willing to discover and feel what their trust and understanding means to each other? Years of wondering why you can't hang out with him? Months of wondering what you’re doing wrong for her to reject you like that? Weeks of each other wondering if the other soul is feeling the same way? Days realizing each other's role in each other’s lives and discovering mutual feelings and respective physical bodies? Minutes of loosing themselves in each others orgasm? Seconds for all of it to go away?

How long does it take for someone to realize that everything, the universe, the souls in it, that take the many forms and shapes and sizes, animal or humans, are in this, together, teaching and learning things from each other, interacting and interchanging among themselves? for like minds to discover each other and understand why they do certain things? to realize that the physical element of life is only so that the spiritual elements have a platform to interact?

A synchronizing of souls. Time in this sense, is probably an illusion. These moments that allow encounters between souls, none of it, lasts forever but forever in itself doesn’t exist, only perceived to last forever by each soul struggling to understand the concept of forever.

The universe and everything in it or not in it, has its own ways of giving you things, and taking things from you.  Every moment you spend by yourself, you learn things about you that you did not know before. Every moment that you spend with another soul teaches you things about this other souls, about yourself, and what sort of impact this other soul or souls have on you, and perhaps the other will learn things from you too.

Have you noticed how things dawn on you, when you're in one of your thoughtful moods? or when someone would approach you and tell you something.It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same old narration that your parents have been giving to you for the past few years, or a 16 minute long speech said in front of a big audience, nor a few words uttered by a beggar who you gave your lunch to, a few pages of a book, or a few lines on a billboard. It doesn’t even have to be in any language that you understand, a psychical gesture, or even nothing at all, complete silence.It is these encounters that leave you feeling. For how brief or how long each of these encounters are, it leaves you, feeling... some thing that made you realize the profoundness of being a soul and of the encounters with each of these other souls...

But only if the synchronization is right and both parties are in equilibrium and in tune to themselves as well as each other. It’s sort of a universal transaction that goes on, a yin and yang of sorts, a push and pull, a loss and a win, a good and a bad. You might not be able to make these encounters last forever. But you can make it worthwhile, every year, every month, every day, every minute or every second. It is not about wanting these encounters to last forever or avoiding them altogether. It is about living and feeling it in these moments and encounters, with these souls and learning from them so that you can perhaps return that same feeling, that feeling of worthiness, of realization and acceptance,  to someone else. You know it when you feel it. Because that’s the way it works. All souls.

References and back ground reading at  Synchronicity: There Are No Coincidences, No Accidents  and There Are No Coincidences

Maybe its just a physical place for our physical bodies to meet.

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