How low can we go?
“What did I do to deserve this?” Could this be what’s going through little Stabby’s mind for the past one month as he was slowly recovering? Unlike us, he does not have the ability to speak and cry out his woe.He can only wait and watch sadly as his fate is decided, by us humans.Till about a month ago he was an average street pooch minding his own doggie business running about the area. He was a friendly pup, who was being fed by the good and kind hearted human beings but
didn’t have a home. To show his gratitude, he wagged his tail a lot and did his best to repay them by being their unofficial security watch dog and kept an eye out for strangers maybe because somewhere in his little doggie code he knew that kindness should be repaid somehow.
So one day, he was somewhat confused as to why this particular human seemed to treat him differently.This Person had seemed nice at first, but later had suddenly started hurting him very badly - he could not believe the pain!!!. He howled for a long time and the Person ran away, leaving him with large deep cuts and a slit neck!!!Another human who found him lying there, in pain, called for assistance. Then a small team of kind humans rushed to his side and took him to the vet to be taken care of. When they saw the poor bleeding dog lying on the road they thought that it had been knocked over by a vehicle or had a dreadful fight with one of the other dogs, but they were revolted to find that these were surely knife wounds and stab marks which only a so called human could have done, purposely!!!
It has been one month since the incident and though he was badly hurt then, thankfully Stabby still trusts humans, and wags his tail a lot and licks his helpers as he has known a lot more love than that one day of mad hatred. Please adopt Stabby. He is sweet, innocent very loving, not very pretty, about 5 years old and has only one ear but a very large loving, forgiving heart to make up for his funny appearance. He is also a very lucky doggy to have overcome all these odds and will definitely bring good fortune to your home, we think! Please call Nadeeka :
0714961157 or Jay 0771539924 and find more details on

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