Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Simply is

I want to share a little something on this rainy day, for all the young broken hearts out there. For the confused ones who find themselves a little lost because life flipped an unexpected turn and now things are a little difficult from what it was yesterday.  <3

We're young, and fragile, and changing as the tide. We evolve within ourselves and in our roles in each others lives. We'll fall in and out of love so many different times over, each time giving love a new face and a different definition, before we even decide on settling down with our own permanent definition. So relax, enjoy and take it easy. It's a neutral state of being. Love yourself first; Do not expect to love someone else without loving yourself first.

Happiness isn't something you find in another person, but within you. This happiness is what you envelope everyone else with. Extend compassion and understanding rather than arriving into conclusions. Love, not to get it return, but as a form of appreciating your ability to give. Forgive easily. Reach out. Embrace people for who they are, and not what you want them to be.

Love, because it gives you peace of mind. It fills you up like a balloon and lifts you up. It is not a commitment or a chore or a headache or even a ‘drama’. Love, because it is universal and magical. It does not change who you are but changes your view of other souls around you. Love is not difficult. It never had to be. Love does not have to be measured in anyway. I love you in my way and I will show it to you in the way I am with you. And you will love me in your own way. And it will be different from how I show it to you. Or you might not even show it. I don’t mind. I will live my life and you will live yours elsewhere. You might cross my mind everyday or never at all.

We are not who we were yesterday, nor will we be the same tomorrow. So what are we now? We are friends, and lovers, and siblings, and strangers all at the same time. I’ll be me. And you be you. I’m not going to define your version of who we are. Or deny it. Or second guess it. Love was there. It still is. And it will always be there. I love you. Unconditionally. Without rules or theories or what society wants it to look like.

Because ....

1 comment:

  1. Simply Lovely... after I read your "The Daily Pervert" post I though you were like "chandi kella". To be honest I was afraid of girls after reading that post ;), but this...this is simply lovely.
